A New Generation of Search Directories

Released on = January 4, 2006, 3:44 am

Press Release Author = jaypro

Industry = Computers

Press Release Summary = Looking for something on the Web? Well, for sheer web
coverage there's Google, MSN, Yahoo and all the others. But what if something more
relevant is required? A new generation of search directories is taking Internet
searching in that direction.

Press Release Body = When an Internet searcher types something into their search
engine search box and hits Enter, they're gaining entry into the largest searching
technology available. No one can dispute that for selecting relevant information
from a mind-bogglingly large collection of data, the search engines are king.
But what if they're searching for something and, as well as relevant links, they'd
like to see some articles on the subject, some links to other articles and perhaps a
few sales offers? And if the keyword phrase that they've used is not bringing up the
results they expected, they could see what other people are using, and maybe they
could use their keyword phrase instead. Well, now they can. As everyone knows, nothing is impossible on the Internet and there is now a growing collection of directories that bring relevance and search choice bang up to date.

If you were interested in buying a digital camera you'd type 'digital camera' into
Google. You'd be rewarded with a staggering 112000000 results. All you'd have to do
is work their way through them until they found what they were looking for. But if
you were to go to www.digitalchoice.ws, a site specially set up for the digital camera searchers, you'd see a page containing, inthe traditional place for menu listings, down the left hand side, a list of the most commonly used search terms in the area of digital cameras, for example 'Canon digital camera' or 'Kodak digital camera 7430 zoom lens' along with hundreds of others. Clicking on each of these would take you to a page that contains, along with the ubiquitous Google Adsense ads, an article on the subject in question, or as near to it as the technology will allow, and a list of links closely related to the subject matter.

The point is that people don't always know exactly what it is they're searching for.
Often, seeing what other people have searched for, reading an article on the subject
and following a few links will provide a much greater insight into the subject
matter than a search engine could ever do. What other sites offer this service? As well as www.digitalchoice.ws there is www.homebusinessdirectory.ws,
fairly self explanatory, for those looking to make money from the Internet. Trying to lose weight? Then a visit to www.weightlosswebsite.net might help. There are a
sites out there that provide entry into the fast-paced world of ringtones:
www.theringtonesite.ws and www.tonefinder.net and one for those who need to change their mobile phone every few weeks, www.totallymobile.net . There's one
for MP3 music downloaders, www.mp3andmore.net and a site for on-line poker players, www.pokersphere.net . More seriously, if it's life insurance then www.lifeinsurance-directory.com is the place to go.

Web Site = http://www.homebusinessdirectory.ws

Contact Details = John Prendergast
HBD House, 26 Greenacres, Little Melton
Norwich , NR9 3QU


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